There are some nasty viruses around at this time of year. Find out how to steer clear, and what to do with regards your acupuncture appointment if you do catch one.


Stay Away If Infectious


We have been very successful with our infection control at Alma Vale Centre.

If you have an active virus, contact us to cancel your appointment straightaway. We can rebook you once you are no longer infectious. Call us on 0117 3771186 if you are unsure.

It is far better for you to stay at home and use the advice below to help with your recovery. This also helps to protects us all, including our vulnerable patients.

To help avoid catching a bug in the first place, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can build up your immunity to support your health during Winter.


Power of Acupuncture

Research shows that treatment can ward off colds and flu as well as help you overcome any lingering after-effects.

It can also help prevent Covid, as well as treat long Covid.

Acupuncture can stimulate the body’s immunity when it has succumbed to a virus, as well as help bring your body back into balance to improve your health.


Herbal Treatments

Covid Recovery and Protection


Our Covid Recovery Herbs will provide a first line of defence if you have caught Covid. They help alleviate symptoms of Covid and long Covid, and dissipate any unwanted effects from the vaccine. Symptoms these herbs treat include fatigue and heavy limbs, muzzy head, poor memory and concentration, tight or heavy chest and shortness of breath. This formula is available in capsule form for ease of use, and has been of help to many.

Our Covid Protection Herbs help your immune system ward off Covid to prevent you from catching it.


Ward Off Winter Illnesses


Immunoguard is an excellent immune tonic to help prevent coughs, colds and flu – suitable for adults and children.

Flu Fighter is a potent mix of herbs that will support your immune system and help you to fight off flu.


Recover from Festive Indulgence


As this is a time of year when we all tend to drink and eat more, our Festive Liver Detox tincture could be just what you need. It can help cleanse, restore and replenish your liver after festive indulgence.


Kitchen Cold Cure

Tea, Drink, Cold

This is a tried-and-tested recipe for treating all the symptoms of a cold, from our acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist Helen Fielding.

Most of the ingredients can be found in any cook’s home, and it is safe for anyone to use.

If taken at the first shiver or sneeze the decoction can prevent the cold coming.

If the cold is determined to come, it treats the symptoms to keep you more comfortable, while your body is doing battle with the viral invader.


Vitamin Support

We also advise taking Vitamin D 4000 iu, Vitamin C 1–2g and Zinc 50mg daily to support your immune system.


For all appointment enquiries and to buy our herbs:

call 0117 377 1886

or email [email protected]