Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that looks to treat the whole person, therefore finding root causes rather than treating just symptoms. Fine acupuncture needles (the width of a hair) are used to stimulate points across the body often known as acupoints. This is highly individualized so people with the same symptoms may experience relief via different acupoints. Along with acupuncture needles, acupoints can also be stimulated using other methods such as moxibustion or cupping. It is through this stimulation that acupuncture works to restore equilibrium throughout the body.
What conditions can acupuncture help?
It is considered an effective treatment for:
- many types of pain (including post-operative, back and dental pain)
- depression
- rheumatoid arthritis
- sciatica
- stroke
- headaches.
Evidence also suggests acupuncture can to treat morning sickness, a breached baby and to induce labour. It is considered therapeutically effective for abdominal pain, addictions (including to opiates and alcohol), cancer pain, bronchial asthma, fibromyalgia, insomnia, male sexual dysfunction, obesity, cancer pain and acne. It has a demonstrated therapeutic effect on female infertility and male infertility.
The conditions mentioned above are only some of those that have been considered effective by WHO. For a full list please see here: World Health Organisation.
What can I expect from my first session?
You will receive treatment on your first session. Acupuncturists sometimes use a process called Moxibustion as well as acupuncture. This involves burning a herb to balance and nourish Qi.
How do I know I'm receiving the best standard of care?
Will it hurt?
How much does it cost?
Treatment prices vary with each practitioner:
- Jill Glover – £85
- Helen Fielding – £75
- Julie Kelham – £65
- Kristy Perry – £60
- Claire Thorne – £60
- Lucy Macgregor – £60
What is the cancellation policy?
Half the appointment fee will be charged for any appointments changed with less notice.
The full appointment fee will be charged if you do not attend your appointment.