• Over indulged?
  • Feeling sluggish or depleted?
  • Digestive problems?
  • Want to detox your system?
  • Post-Christmas Blues?
  • Viruses/coughs/colds?

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, rich food, alcohol, and overindulging can affect the energy systems of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen in particular. In addition, viruses, coughs and colds can linger on during the winter particularly if the immune system is below par. Acupuncture can smooth, harmonize and strengthen your energy/Qi in these areas and help relieve symptoms, as well as support your overall energy base.

The Winter is a time associated with the energy systems of the Kidney/Bladder and the Water element (as explored in December newsletter blog). The Kidney energy can become depleted during this time and particularly after a busy festive period. This can impact not only on a physical level, but also emotionally, affecting our mood, determination, will and drive. Acupuncture can support and strengthen your Kidney energy and Water element. If you are thinking of making any New Year life changes then Acupuncture can be especially beneficial in supporting your will, motivation and drive.

If you, or anyone you know is experiencing any of the above and would benefit from Winter Acupuncture treatment then please contact us on 0117 377 1186 or info@almavalecentre.bristolbusinesssolutions.co.uk

Additional Ways To Support Your System Post-Christmas:-

  • Drink some peppermint tea. This is a great aid for digestion.
  • A drop of cider vinegar in warm water can also be beneficial for digestion.
  • Take a Magnesium/Epsom salt bath to help eliminate toxins from the body. Also great for stress relief, muscle aches and better nutrient absorbtion.
  • Take Milk Thistle tincture which can help support your Liver energy and clear toxins