Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine works on the same premise as acupuncture. Herbs are prescribed, usually in combination with acupuncture, to help restore the balance of Yin and Yang. An imbalance in a bodily system can result in symptoms of poor health. Your practitioner is trained to be able to identify patterns of signs and symptoms and hence prescribe herbal medicine correctly. Chinese herbal medicine works to restore internal equilibrium. Unlike many pharmaceuticals, it works to heal a whole person and not just an isolated symptom. When prescribed in combinations the different aspects of each herb combined create a mutual synergy, often balancing the medicinal properties inherent in each. Chinese herbs are far less likely to have side effects than pharmaceuticals.
How do I take Chinese herbs?
What conditions can Chinese medicine help with?
- Skin conditions
- Gastro-intestinal disorders
- Gynaecological conditions including infertility
- Hepatitis and HIV
- Chronic Fatigue Syndromes
- Respiratory Conditions
- Rheumatological conditions
- Urinary conditions
- Psychological problems
Will I still need to see my doctor?
Has the efficacy of Chinese Medicine been researched?
Where will the appointment be?
Appointments are usually via online consultation. If you prefer, appointments with Jill Glover can also be inclinic.
How much does it cost?
Herbal prescriptions can vary greatly depending on their form and quantity. The price of herbs can be discussed with the practitioner at the appointment.
Contact the Alma Vale Centre to book an appointment.